Office operation hours are:

Monday – Saturday 8:30 AM – 7 PM

AND Later By appointment

Please Call 702-765-9550 to become a part of the evening groups

The Holiday Gift Box program is a program lasting for a year devoted to granting gifts for people suffering from any kind of intellectual disorders in Utah. The Holiday Gift Box delivers enjoyment to many people who are otherwise overlooked during the year-end holidays.

The newly upgraded office has obtained free room enough for us to settle the Gift Box there so now is the time to ADOPT, VOLUNTEER, And DONATE. We have prepared ornaments are ready to be adopted at 2081 Walton Street
Murray (call for hours 702-765-9550) and online via e-mail [email protected]. For all bothering you questions about the Holiday Gift Box program please contact us: 496-998-5516.

YOU ARE INVITED: come one, come all!

Holiday Gift Box Kick Off-Nov.17, 1pm to 8pm. Valley Fair Mall, West Valley City, Utah.

Come get your ornaments, take part in volunteer capabilities, observe the exhibitions, take part in the silent auction and take pleasure from eats and drinks as you look out at the huge decorated tree in the plaza with music, alive reindeer, competitions. Schedule your party, pick out an ornament, go into our office and shop for the individual and then return to your snacks and wrap your gifts. People of all ages are welcome to become volunteers ….. and deliver a bag or two of good utilized clothing (or a trunkful) and get a ticket for the UAID holiday.

Remember! UAID is a registered 501c3 organization.
This means all donations are tax deductible under applicable IRS rules!

UAID in the Community

Holiday gift box

HOLIDAY GIFT BOX is  beautiful and real – Families and companies give gifts directly to those in need.  You can sign up to give Christmas to a specific person, volunteer to help in the warehouse or donate items from the wish list to be used for a person in need.  Monetary…

Holiday Gift Box

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